
Brief explanation of literary translation

Literary translation consists of the translation of poetry, plays, literary books, literary texts, as well as songs, rhymes, literary articles, fiction novels, novels, short stories, poems, etc.  Translate the language, translate their culture. (Patricia Torres, 2013) When we do a literary translation one of the most important things is to keep the fidelity of the original text and also keep the naturalness of it. when we do this kind of translation, we not only need to know the language well, the grammatical rules and other things, we also need to know more deeply its culture in order to make an accurate and clear translation. As Patricia Klobusiczky says, a good literary translator not only needs to have a good command of the source language allowing a comprehensive artistic-rhetorical analysis, but should also be able to see, hear, and understand form and perception that is behind a text. We must capture the essence of the original text, understand the author, his opinions, feelings

Literary translation it´s so important!!


Pragmatics is so important in the English learning process!!

    Pragmatics is an essential part of the language which aims to use language appropriately based on the context (Canale and Swain, 1980; Bachman, 1990). learners have to acquire the pragmatic competence of the target language, which is the ability choose appropriate language in different contexts (Hymes, 1972; Bachman, 1990; Kasper,1997)     We need to know that we have to understand the culture of the foreign country  because it can cause us big problems when we are talking to native speakers, each country have different ways of communicate, for example, Eduardo came to the United States as an international student from a Latin American country. He was fluent in English as a second language and had well-developed basic interpersonal skills. Once settled in Santa Cruz, California, Eduardo attended his first college orientation session. He was introduced to a woman from the U.S. and the first thing he did was a customary greeting in his home country: patting her arm and shaking hands

Mind map about the anxiety disorder


The writing process: 6 steps very writer should know


Welcome to the world of writing
